Amazon SageMaker Debugger - Reacting to Cloudwatch Events from Rules
This notebook’s CI test result for us-west-2 is as follows. CI test results in other regions can be found at the end of the notebook.
Amazon SageMaker is managed platform to build, train and host maching learning models. Amazon SageMaker Debugger is a new feature which offers the capability to debug machine learning models during training by identifying and detecting problems with the models in near real time.
In this notebook, we’ll show you how you can react off rule triggers and take some action, e.g. stop the training job through CloudWatch Events.
How does Amazon SageMaker Debugger work?
Amazon SageMaker Debugger lets you go beyond just looking at scalars like losses and accuracies during training and gives you full visibility into all tensors ‘flowing through the graph’ during training. Furthermore, it helps you monitor your training in near real time using rules and provides you alerts, once it has detected inconsistency in training flow.
Tensors: These represent the state of the training network at intermediate points during its execution
Debug Hook: Hook is the construct with which Amazon SageMaker Debugger looks into the training process and captures the tensors requested at the desired step intervals
Rule: A logical construct, implemented as Python code, which helps analyze the tensors captured by the hook and report anomalies, if at all
With these concepts in mind, let’s understand the overall flow of things that Amazon SageMaker Debugger uses to orchestrate debugging.
Saving tensors during training
The tensors captured by the debug hook are stored in the S3 location specified by you. There are two ways you can configure Amazon SageMaker Debugger to save tensors:
With no changes to your training script
If you use one of the SageMaker provided Deep Learning Containers for 1.15, then you don’t need to make any changes to your training script for the tensors to be stored. SageMaker Debugger will use the configuration you provide through the SageMaker SDK’s Tensorflow Estimator
when creating your job to save the tensors in the fashion you specify. You can review the script we are going to
use at src/ You will note that this is an untouched TensorFlow script which uses the Estimator interface. Please note that SageMaker Debugger only supports tf.keras
, tf.Estimator
and tf.MonitoredSession
interfaces. Full description of support is available at SageMaker Debugger with TensorFlow
Orchestrating your script to store tensors
For other containers, you need to make couple of lines of changes to your training script. SageMaker Debugger exposes a library smdebug
which allows you to capture these tensors and save them for analysis. It’s highly customizable and allows to save the specific tensors you want at different frequencies and possibly with other configurations. Refer DeveloperGuide for details on how to use SageMaker Debugger library with
your choice of framework in your training script. Here we have an example script orchestrated at src/mnist_byoc. You also need to ensure that your container has the smdebug
library installed.
Analysis of tensors
Once the tensors are saved, Amazon SageMaker Debugger can be configured to run debugging Rules on them. At a very broad level, a rule is Python code used to detect certain conditions during training. Some of the conditions that a data scientist training an algorithm may care about are monitoring for gradients getting too large or too small, detecting overfitting, and so on. Sagemaker Debugger comes pre-packaged with certain built-in rules. Users can write their own rules using the Sagemaker Debugger APIs. You can also analyze raw tensor data outside of the Rules construct in say, a Sagemaker notebook, using Amazon Sagemaker Debugger’s full set of APIs. Please refer Analysis Developer Guide for more on these APIs.
Cloudwatch Events for Rules
Rule status changes in a training job trigger CloudWatch Events. These events can be acted upon by configuring a CloudWatch Rule (different from Amazon SageMaker Debugger Rule) to trigger each time a Debugger Rule changes status. In this notebook we’ll go through how you can create a CloudWatch Rule to direct Training Job State change events to a lambda function that stops the training job in case a rule triggers and has status "IssuesFound"
Lambda Function
In your AWS console, go to Lambda Management Console,
Create a new function by hitting Create Function,
Choose the language as Python 3.7 (or higher) and put in the following sample code for stopping the training job if one of the Rule statuses is
import json
import boto3
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
def lambda_handler(event, context):
training_job_name = event.get("detail").get("TrainingJobName")'Evaluating Debugger rules for training job: {training_job_name}')
eval_statuses = event.get("detail").get("DebugRuleEvaluationStatuses", None)
if eval_statuses is None or len(eval_statuses) == 0:"Couldn't find any debug rule statuses, skipping...")
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Nothing to do')
# should only attempt stopping jobs with InProgress status
training_job_status = event.get("detail").get("TrainingJobStatus", None)
if training_job_status != 'InProgress':
logging.debug(f"Current Training job status({training_job_status}) is not 'InProgress'. Exiting")
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Nothing to do')
client = boto3.client('sagemaker')
for status in eval_statuses:"RuleEvaluationStatus") + ', RuleEvaluationStatus=' + str(status))
if status.get("RuleEvaluationStatus") == "IssuesFound":
secondary_status = event.get("detail").get("SecondaryStatus", None)
f'About to stop training job, since evaluation of rule configuration {status.get("RuleConfigurationName")} resulted in "IssuesFound". ' +
f'\ntraining job "{training_job_name}" status is "{training_job_status}", secondary status is "{secondary_status}"' +
f'\nAttempting to stop training job "{training_job_name}"'
except Exception as e:
"Encountered error while trying to "
"stop training job {}: {}".format(
training_job_name, str(e)
raise e
return None
Create a new execution role for the Lambda, and
In your IAM console, search for the role and attach “AmazonSageMakerFullAccess” policy to the role. This is needed for the code in your Lambda function to stop the training job.
Basic settings > set Timeout to 30 seconds instead of 3 seconds.
Create a CloudWatch Rule
In your AWS Console, go to CloudWatch and select Rule from the left column,
Hit Create Rule. The console will redirect you to the Rule creation page,
For the Service Name, select “SageMaker”.
For the Event Type, select “SageMaker Training Job State Change”.
In the Targets select the Lambda function you created above, and
For this example notebook, we’ll leave everything as is.
import boto3
import os
import sagemaker
from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow
from sagemaker.debugger import Rule, rule_configs
# define the entrypoint script
entrypoint_script = "src/"
# these hyperparameters ensure that vanishing gradient will trigger for our tensorflow mnist script
hyperparameters = {"num_epochs": "10", "lr": "10.00"}
rules = [
estimator = TensorFlow(
## New parameter
# After calling fit, SageMaker will spin off 1 training job and 1 rule job for you
# The rule evaluation status(es) will be visible in the training logs
# at regular intervals
# wait=False makes this a fire and forget function. To stream the logs in the notebook leave this out
SageMaker kicked off rule evaluation jobs, one for each of the SageMaker rules - VanishingGradient
and LossNotDecreasing
as specified in the estimator. Given that we’ve tweaked the hyperparameters of our training script such that VanishingGradient
is bound to fire, we should expect to see the TrainingJobStatus
as Stopped
once the RuleEvaluationStatus
for VanishingGradient
changes to IssuesFound
# rule job summary gives you the summary of the rule evaluations. You might have to run it over
# a few times before you start to see all values populated/changing
[{'RuleConfigurationName': 'VanishingGradient',
'RuleEvaluationJobArn': 'arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-2:072677473360:processing-job/smdebugger-demo-mnist-tens-vanishinggradient-e23301a8',
'RuleEvaluationStatus': 'IssuesFound',
'StatusDetails': 'RuleEvaluationConditionMet: Evaluation of the rule VanishingGradient at step 500 resulted in the condition being met\n',
'LastModifiedTime': datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 1, 7, 20, 55, 495000, tzinfo=tzlocal())},
{'RuleConfigurationName': 'LossNotDecreasing',
'RuleEvaluationJobArn': 'arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-2:072677473360:processing-job/smdebugger-demo-mnist-tens-lossnotdecreasing-27ee2da1',
'RuleEvaluationStatus': 'InProgress',
'LastModifiedTime': datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 1, 7, 20, 55, 495000, tzinfo=tzlocal())}]
# This utility gives the link to monitor the CW event
def _get_rule_job_name(training_job_name, rule_configuration_name, rule_job_arn):
"""Helper function to get the rule job name"""
return "{}-{}-{}".format(
training_job_name[:26], rule_configuration_name[:26], rule_job_arn[-8:]
def _get_cw_url_for_rule_job(rule_job_name, region):
return "https://{}{}#logStream:group=/aws/sagemaker/ProcessingJobs;prefix={};streamFilter=typeLogStreamPrefix".format(
region, region, rule_job_name
def get_rule_jobs_cw_urls(estimator):
region = boto3.Session().region_name
training_job = estimator.latest_training_job
training_job_name = training_job.describe()["TrainingJobName"]
rule_eval_statuses = training_job.describe()["DebugRuleEvaluationStatuses"]
result = {}
for status in rule_eval_statuses:
if status.get("RuleEvaluationJobArn", None) is not None:
rule_job_name = _get_rule_job_name(
training_job_name, status["RuleConfigurationName"], status["RuleEvaluationJobArn"]
result[status["RuleConfigurationName"]] = _get_cw_url_for_rule_job(
rule_job_name, region
return result
{'VanishingGradient': ';prefix=smdebugger-demo-mnist-tens-VanishingGradient-e23301a8;streamFilter=typeLogStreamPrefix',
'LossNotDecreasing': ';prefix=smdebugger-demo-mnist-tens-LossNotDecreasing-27ee2da1;streamFilter=typeLogStreamPrefix'}
After running the last two cells over and until VanishingGradient
reports IssuesFound
, we’ll attempt to describe the TrainingJobStatus
for our training job.
This notebook attempted to show a very simple setup of how you can use CloudWatch events for your training job to take action on rule evaluation status changes. Learn more about Amazon SageMaker Debugger in the GitHub Documentation.
Notebook CI Test Results
This notebook was tested in multiple regions. The test results are as follows, except for us-west-2 which is shown at the top of the notebook.